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Breaking the Ice: Fun Facts About Psychological Safety!

Picture this:


💃🏻“A room filled with strangers, each silently trying to navigate the delicate dance of social interaction where vulnerability often feels like a tightrope walk, when suddenly the introduction of a quirky fun fact breaks the ice, setting the stage for genuine connection!”


🤩Fun facts serve as delightful nuggets of information that not only entertain but enlighten, by adding a splash of color to everyday conversations! These nuggets of knowledge spark curiosity, make learning enjoyable and help to develop a sense of appreciation for everyday things and promote an engaging way to ‘break the ice’.


Psychological Safety is a crucial for teams and workplace culture. And while the concept has been active for several decades it’s still surprisingly, a new topic to many. Here are some ‘fun facts’ about Psychological Safety to help ‘break the ice’ about what it is and how it’s helped to shape many, everyday familiar, things.


  • It was studied in the 1970s in airline cockpits. Psychologist Edgar Schein explored the importance of open communication and trust among the cockpit crew members. His research found that crews with a higher level of Psychological Safety were more effective in handling challenging situations.

  • It contributed to Pixar Studios success. One of Pixar's founders emphasized the importance of creating an environment where everyone felt comfortable expressing their ideas, even if they were unconventional or risky, which contributed to the collaborative and innovative culture at Pixar.

  • It's connected to improv comedy. Improv theater relies heavily on creating spaces where performers feel comfortable taking risks and supporting each other's ideas. Improv principles align with Psychological Safety, by emphasizing the importance of non-judgmental, collaborative environments for creativity and spontaneous teamwork.

  • It played a role in forming Post-it Notes. 3M, the company behind this famous product, encouraged a culture that allowed employees to pursue side projects and creative ideas. Mr. Silver, a 3M scientist was working on a project that didn't go as planned. Instead of being criticized, he was encouraged to share his "failure" openly. Another 3M employee, later used failure, an adhesive, to create the Post-it Note.

  • It’s been connected to better dance performances. A study found that dance teams with high levels of Psychological Safety demonstrated improved coordination, creativity, and overall performance. When dancers felt secure and supported within their teams, they were more likely to take creative risks, leading to more innovative dance routines.  

  • It’s been linked to improved patient care in hospitals. Studies show that healthcare teams with high levels of Psychological Safety are more likely to share information and collaborate effectively. This positive team dynamic enhances the quality of patient care and contributes to better health outcomes.

  • It played a role in the development of the Mars Rover. The team at NASA responsible for the Mars Rover mission fostered a culture of Psychological Safety, where engineers felt comfortable sharing concerns and ideas. This environment led to collaborative problem-solving and innovative solutions, which ultimately contributed to the success of the Mars Rover mission.

  • It’s associated with high-performing sports teams. Successful sports teams often prioritize creating an environment where athletes feel Psychologically Safe to communicate openly, share ideas, and take risks. This positive team culture contributes to better collaboration, communication, and overall performance.


⁉️What’s a shared common denominator for all these fun facts? The ability to communicate openly, express vulnerability, and navigate conflicts constructively. Traits that are not only important for team dynamics, but ones that also contribute to stronger emotional connections in your personal relationships.

⁉️How do you ‘break the ice’ to incorporate Psychological Safety into your professional and personal relationships and set the stage for genuine connection?


I’d love to hear how you’re creating safe places at work! Drop me a line or DM me on LinkedIn or IG. Stay tuned for my next blog out in two weeks about International Women’s Day!

🤩Circling back to 'Fun Facts,' the picture I used for this update was taken on January 18th, 2023. I was in the hospital, bored, anxious, and passing time, while I waited to go into surgery. As a way to kill some extra time and 'break the ice,' I used a snapchat filter to send goofy, light-hearted pics, to my family and friends. 💝

Today I will be fearless. Today I am grateful.

Shine on beautiful people. 🦄


P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about psychological safety and how to deal with female frenemies, follow me on LinkedIn!


I say that it’s time to be different. It’s time to talk about what female rivalry is, to know how to break it down one action at a time.

⁉️Interested in learning how ‘female rivalry’ impacts the workplace? 🎉DOWNLOAD my FREE .pdf guide, ‘5 Reasons WHY Good Women Walk’to learn more!


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