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Sisterhood Squad Goals. What Are Yours?

⁉️What are you doing to keep you female sisterhood alive and thriving? Sisterhood Squad Goals – do you have ‘em? If not, you should!

⁉️🤔You may be asking? What exactly are, ‘Sisterhood Squad Goals?’

“It’s what you’d like your group of friends to be or to accomplish.”

Another, perhaps more commons phrase is, ‘friendship goals,’

“The goals you set for yourself as a way to improve your current relationships and build new ones.”

‼️In the work I do with female rivalry, many women have told me they don’t have true female friends. They feel like they can’t trust other women or they won’t work for another woman, ever again. There are many mental health impacts that can occur as a result of dealing with a female frenemy. This can leave you feeling fragile and alone, like you don’t have a support system, at a time when you need it the most.

We interact with a lot different people on this journey of life. Some stay. Some go. Some are simply social acquaintances and some, become true friends. Whether you want to meet new friends or just maintain the ones that you have, sisterhood squad goals can help you foster true friendships and deeper connection, with your gal-pals. This ultimately enhances your well-being and happiness, because we all need these types of closely bonded relationships to thrive and survive.

Your sisterhood squad is your sounding board. However, it can be time consuming to be a good friend especially as you get older and other priorities, ‘get in the way,’ like,

  • job responsibilities

  • a spouse and kids

  • physical well-being

  • different interests

  • no longer living close to each other

Amidst all of that ‘other living,’ it’s important to not let your besties go to the wayside. (A little hint Queen👸🏻, if you do, they may not be there when you finally come up for air). Here are a few tips to keep your sisterhood squad alive and thriving!

  • Don’t settle. Don’t compromise your values to maintain a relationship with someone. Respect goes both ways.

  • Know who’s a good friend and who isn’t. Have you been staying in a relationship simply because, ‘it’s always been that way?’

  • You get what you give. Know what you want from your friendship relationship and vice versa. This will help you find likeminded people with similar values and goals.

  • Evaluate current relationships. People change. As a result, relationships change too. Are yours still in tune with who you are as a person?

Madeline Miles (2022), recommends utilizing the SMART Method to achieve friendship goals,

  • Specific. You have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish.

  • Measurable. You’ll be able to know when you’ve achieved your goal.

  • Achievable. You can complete your goal with the resources you have.

  • Realistic. Your goal fits within the context of your life and purpose.

  • Time-Bound. You have a clear deadline for your goal.

⁉️As 2022 comes to an end, it’s important to reflect on this past year – about what you liked, didn’t or perhaps, what you’d do differently. Furthermore, it’s equally important to consider what you want for the future. So let’s end the year on a positive note, ladies!

Whatever you call it... Tribe. Circle. Group. Girl-gang. Posse. Squad. BFF. Ring of Support. Coven. Pack. Community. Clan. (Please let me know if I’ve missed any key terms here)! What are your sisterhood squad goals?

⁉️How do you uplift and empower yourself with friendship goals and your female sisterhood? Drop me a line, I’d love to know!

You already are. It’s time TO BE.♥️

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about how to deal with female frenemies, follow me on LinkedIn! To Be is taking a break for the holiday season. But stay tuned for my blog out at after the first of the year about welcoming 2023.

I say that it’s time to be different. It’s time to talk about what female rivalry is, to know how to break it down one action at a time.


⁉️Interested in learning how ‘female rivalry’ impacts the workplace? 🎉DOWNLOAD my FREE .pdf guide, ‘5 Reasons WHY Good Women Walk’ to learn more!


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