💡⛑️A leader recently reached out to me and asked for guidance about female rivalry on her predominantly female team.
Not only was this leader proactive in asking the right questions, she listened to what the needs and issues/concerns were from every single person on her 50-person team. This took a lot of valuable time away from the important work her team does, but she knew if she didn’t do it - valuable employees would leave. After talking to everyone she implemented positive change by following up with proactive, tangible steps, to show the team that she was listening.
“Dr. Tichenor took a lot of time to learn about our team and the dynamics. She met with me and provided wonderful insight of how our team could work and collaborate together, even better. Next she offered a presentation to our group and the reviews were excellent.” -Team Leader
Of course there were growing pains during this process. In being vulnerable everyone involved had to lay their cards on the table which is uncomfortable. Ultimately though, not only did the team feel they’d been listened to they,
felt valued
felt like they had a stake in the game for the work they were doing
saw they could positively influence the culture of their group/ organization
saw results take place
🎉Winner! Winner!
This is phenomenal leadership! It’s also spot-on, for instilling Psychological Safety and implementing a healthy workplace culture. Their leader,
let them know they mattered
took action to support their concerns
fostered a sense of unity with the team
In doing so, ‘she was able to transform her corporate team.’
“Our team really appreciated learning about female rivalry and psychological safety, as well as tools that could be used. I highly recommend!” -Team Leader
💡Now more than ever, women on female dominated teams are under incredible stress which can negatively impact team performance. Think of professions like nursing, teachers, librarians, dental hygienists, executive assistants, or those in the beauty industry. These are female dominant industries where female rivalry is more prone to occur.
⁉️What happens when stress gets too high?
People leave.
Employee Turnover Is Preventable:
⁉️😳Did you know,
“42% of employee turnover is preventable, but often ignored?”
A recent Gallup poll taken in May shared that the risk of employee turnover is at its highest since 2015, with over 51% of employees looking for other opportunities. (Gallup, 2024).
🥹This is statistic is staggering!
What does it mean for employers?
👋🏼 Buh-bye Felicia! Time, talent, and money just walked out the door!
It’s SO important to talk about the elephant in the boardroom! These statistics clearly highlight that organizations can take beneficial actions to support safe spaces and stronger teams, to be proactive versus reactive, and prevent losing valuable people.
Leaders can focus on,
relationship building
job satisfaction
future organizational opportunities
supporting job effectiveness
what it takes for someone to want to stay
Leaders can listen, to show their teams they matter.
Leaders can turn listening into action by implementing Psychological Safety, which is,
“A vital element for being able to thrive during times of transition. Psychological Safety the key ingredient for high-performing, effective and happy teams.”
Psychological Safety is a crucial factor for shaping organizational culture and creating a healthy, productive workplace. It’s about feeling safe to speak up, share ideas, and take risks without fear of negative consequences. This often overlooked, yet powerful element, plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation, creativity, and overall team performance. Psychological safety is the foundation for successful transformation.
Positive leaders who walk the talk they preach
A culture that not only promotes, but instills inclusivity
Ongoing feedback and recognition frameworks
Does your team feel Psychologically Safe? To help you assess and measure your team's level of psychological safety, take this short quiz to find out!
I can’t wait to share more with you in my next update about, “The Queen of Mean,” where I highlight traits to be aware of to know if you’re on the receiving end of a mean at work.
In closing, I’ll share one of my favorite quotes. It’s definitely something to think about. Not only professionally, but in your personal life too.
“Imagine if we measured success by the amount of safety that people felt in our presence.” -Jonathan Louis Dent
Definitely something, always, to strive for.
♥️Today I will be fearless. Today I am grateful.
P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about psychological safety and how to deal with female frenemies, follow me on LinkedIn!